Ebook , by Joanna Russ
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, by Joanna Russ
Ebook , by Joanna Russ
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Product details
File Size: 2112 KB
Print Length: 230 pages
Publisher: Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy (May 8, 2018)
Publication Date: May 8, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B07B4752KQ
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#183,176 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Ladies you wanna really get angry? Read this book! Written at the height of the women’s lib movement over 40 years ago with a Sci fi twist to really bring to light all the bs we have to put up with on a daily basis. You will become angrier and angrier whilst you read this book, realizing nothing has changed in two generations. Kind of a must read a part of the current #metoo movement.
With the qualification that I've read more fantasy than sci-fi, I find this book unique. I certainly have not read a book like this before.Structurally, it is certainly different. It deliberately shifts between points of view and first and third person often and oftentimes without warning. This makes it difficult to identify the speaker at times, but if you can get comfortable with the complex structure and just settle into the dialogue and the story, there is a payoff.'The Female Man' presents four (five really, but the fifth is a sort of unofficial narrator) archetypal women living at different points on an imaginary timeline. Having these women living in the same world but at different times shows how society's expectations and role assignments color a female's options and choices.Structurally, it deliberately shifts between points of view and between first and third person often and oftentimes without warning. It is not always easy to identify whose voice is speaking sometimes. But if you can get comfortable with the complex structure and just settle into the dialogue and the story, there is a payoff.Joanna is an ambitious female whose skill at her job and being 'one of the boys' allows her to assimilate into a male-dominated workforce.Jeannine's tragedy is that she has come to see herself only as a reflection of a man. As a result, her life's goal is to attract a man. Her thoughts, words and actions are gauged according to how it furthers that goal.Janet is from Whileaway, an all-female society after all men were wiped out by disease. Though this seems to be presented as the utopian society, it actually highlights its flaws-- for all its independence, it's not quite ideal in Whileaway. Something is lost when the presence and uniqueness of each gender is absent and not celebrated.Jael is an assassin in the future where men and women are engaged in an actual protracted and violent war. The conflict is so protracted neither side really has no idea of the nature of the other gender.Sometimes, in the need to distinguish the unique aspects of each female, Russ almost makes her characters two-dimensional or caricatures. In retrospect, there might have been a need to skirt that line because each of the four needed to firmly represent a particular problematic aspect of femalehood.This is not quite an enjoyable read but it is certainly an interesting, thought-provoking and insightful one. It deals with a serious matter and treats it seriously. But it is not without humor occasionally injected in the discourse. I think the takeaway from this book is this: Expectations can mold and shape each female until society's expectations are all that's left of a woman' s self-worth, identity and goals.It doesn't have much of a story arch but I think it was sacrificed at the altar of dialogue to explain the female plight. Considering the year it was written, I would describe it as a book with an agenda. The strategic and frequent stream of consciousness commentary is certainly an indication. Indeed, one auto-commentary says that when the book becomes irrelevant, it would mean freedom and victory.
The book that wrote the book as far as feminist sci-fi goes. Published in 1975, it traces the lives of four different women living on four different worlds -- worlds where the lives of women are very different. The novel follows what happens as these women begin to come in contact. It may be a little dated now, but it it is still worth reading on its own merits. Russ is a tough and very funny writer.
rich with interesting content, this is a book i will revisit
Terrible, sad, bitter, lame, talentless, garbage, waste of paper, time wasted, anger ridden, pathetic, jumbled, poorly written trash, unforgivable nonsense.
I am a woman in my twenties, I have lived in rich developed countries all my life and have never had to fight for my basic rights as a woman. After reading 'The Female Man' I was shocked to realise how little some aspects of gender roles and stereotypes based on them have changed, all around the world. The reality which Joanna, author and character, faced are still an issue to many women today. We have made progress but there is still a lot ahead. This book made me realise that. I see myself as a woman differently than I did before. I would advise women everywhere, of all ages to read this book. I wish someone had given me this to read when I was 13 and reading romance novels. I know that if I have a daughter she will read this before she reads about princes on white horses.
The writing style used in this book was very interesting and took some thought (not necessarily easy to follow)- I appreciated and enjoyed it. I also saw it as a great way to underscore the connection of the characters. It was interesting to read this book, written in 1974, in view of today's politics and world events. Like any good science fiction writer, Russ has moments of prescience and moments when, I felt, she was restricted by her anger.
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