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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ebook Shame & Guilt: Masters of Disguise

Ebook Shame & Guilt: Masters of Disguise

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Shame & Guilt: Masters of Disguise

Shame & Guilt: Masters of Disguise

Shame & Guilt: Masters of Disguise

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Shame & Guilt: Masters of Disguise

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 4 hours and 7 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Audible Studios Release Date: March 25, 2013

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I'm still reading this book, and I'll probably have to read it a few more times, but this has my life written in this book! You may not even realize that you were shamed or guilt ridden, because I didn't look at my youth like that. My parents still think this is the correct way to teach children, and they've even wanted me to raise my children under these incorrect ways. I've refused to raise my children like I was raised, and it actually makes my parents really angry with me. My counselor recommended this book to me, and I am so glad that I'm reading it! It is sure changing the way I feel about myself as a human being. I am learning that I don't have to be or do everything perfectly to be accepted into society. That issue all by itself has made continued to haunt and stress me out. I highly recommend this book if you have any of the issues listed above regarding how this book can help yourself, your siblings, or your friends. It will open a whole new world for anyone who, like me, doesn't feel like they fit in, have self esteem issues from childhood, or isolate themselves from the outside world. I'm not claiming it will be an immediate quick fix, but with patience and following through will make it so worth it!

I just finished reading a 130 page book written by Jane Middelton-Moz titled "Shame & Guilt - Masters of Disguise", this book opened up my mind and heart to consider the possibilities of why some people cannot follow through with their words. I found myself relieved after finishing this book because for once someone finally put into words what goes on in reality in our inner worlds in practical, concise and work-able terms. I highly recommend this book to every one so you may discover the signs of how we sometimes decide to not face, feel or free shame and guilt. If we do not grasp the masters of disguise that influence us to behave on the surface to fulfill other agendas; our lives will continue to unconsciously spin out of control and we will not know where or why we were lead astray.What personally struck me was remembering how I suffered for a long time extreme shyness, embarrassment and feelings of being inferior to others. There was a time in my life that it was most desirable for my circle of influence for me to stand by with a smile on my face and say nothing. There was a time in my life that I was isolated for articulating how disconnected my perception was from the larger crowd. This isolation served as means for others to punish me with shame and guilt or hide from their own shame and guilt.

You have to get through the first chapter and the book is good. The only problem I had with it is that there is really no solution to the shame and guilt that you have been through. It explains how these feelings got there in the first place. Good read. Will definitely help me to not raise my children with shame and guilt.

There are a vast number of books on shame currently and their number increases daily. Shame is the new problem for human beings; where before there was other evaluations. However, this book is clear, easy to read and does a marvelous example of illuminating this debilitating problem. It is short, to the point, and invaluable.

This book is pretty great if you have any history of being shamed and resulting guilt problems. Think if you ever had parents or a significant partner in your life who constantly put you down, expected you to live up to unrealistic expectations, and made you feel like you had no value. Particularly if this happened in childhood when you had little in the way of skills for dealing with that sort of treatment.It is written in a fairly easy to read format with "fairy tale" examples that are pretty clear on all of the concepts, so it's not a super dry read either.The only complaint is that parts of it are a little repetitive.Still, it has helped me to see how my childhood effected the way i relate to people today and made some of my least healthy behaviors much more evident but also something I can understand instead of feel ashamed of.Great therapeutic book.

Excellent book on shame and guilt, I recommend it to everyone of us who wants to have a strong and clear understanding of this internal behavior and who wants to start a path to recovery. Thanks to the author for this excellent material.

Great book.


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Free PDF Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey through War-torn Angola, by Pedro Rosa Mendes

Free PDF Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey through War-torn Angola, by Pedro Rosa Mendes

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Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey through War-torn Angola, by Pedro Rosa Mendes

Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey through War-torn Angola, by Pedro Rosa Mendes

Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey through War-torn Angola, by Pedro Rosa Mendes

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Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey through War-torn Angola, by Pedro Rosa Mendes Review

When Angola achieved its hard-won independence in 1974, rival rebel factions began to fight for control of the state. As in Latin America, the "liberating" rebel forces were often as brutal as the autocratic, established regime. The result is a country still ravaged by unspeakable violence, corruption, and an ongoing power struggle. Portuguese journalist/author Pedro Rosa Mendes tells the story of modern-day Angola in Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey Through War-Torn Angola. As Mendes's depiction makes clear, this is not the Africa of Elspeth Huxley or Isak Dinesen: "Through the night. There is no scenery, no villages, no people around fires, or elephants silhouetted against the sky. I could speak of such things, I was hoping to, but it would be a lie." Instead, we are presented with an array of stories and observations, often told in the voices of those Mendes interviewed during his 6,000-mile journey from Angola to Mozambique. Although Mendes is journalist, he sustains a magic-realist tone throughout the book: "It was when the mine smashed into the road that Zeca realized he was dead." However, he punctuates his imagery-laden language and vignettes with chilling facts: "There are more than one hundred million mines buried in seventy countries, close to a tenth of them in Angola." The reader must tread uneven ground in the book. Mendes does not provide an easy-to-follow narrative. History mixes with the present, in this multi-voiced story of shifting alliances, unimaginable devastation and destruction. Mendes provides a glossary that supplies historical context for those who are not familiar with Angola's complex history. Considering the hardships that Mendes endured during the course of his trip, one wonders why he saw it through to the end. Then, one thinks of the long-suffering people of Angola to whom he gives voice and for whom these hardships are an everyday reality that will not soon disappear, and one understands why. --Silvana Tropea

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From Publishers Weekly

Four decades of civil war have left Angola a shattered country, an unpublicized catastrophe where land mines outnumber people and children play with surface-to-air missiles. Mendes went there in 1997, a Portuguese journalist investigating his nation's former colony. This extraordinary, difficult book is a record of the horrors he found: an infant without a face, a young beggar who resembles a little five-year-old man, amputees lining up for electroshock therapy. The book's structure is as chaotic as the country. Mendes forgoes any kind of conventional approach, lurching backward and forward through time, switching points of view, quickly introducing then discarding characters. It would be frustrating if it weren't done with such evident purpose: the fractured, phantasmagoric depiction of a world gone mad. Mendes has a gift for wry observation (a colonel blissfully sleeping the sleep of his rank) and surreal imagery (a plush animal dangles crucified from the wire), both of which well suit his subject. Equally valuable is Mendes's evident compassion for those he encounters. His description of a blind musician patching a guitar with chewing gum, for instance, tells much about the musician, but also reveals Mendes's superb observational skills. The book's principal drawback is that it doesn't supply the context of postcolonial African history. Those who don't have that i.e., most people will find the book tough going. (A glossary offers some help, but it's not enough.) Still, Mendes has crafted a unique, frightening book. Composed equally of journalism, oral history and even magic realism, it shows how people can endure and even prevail despite their government's best efforts to keep them down. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 336 pages

Publisher: Harcourt (May 1, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0151006555

ISBN-13: 978-0151006557

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.9 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,730,512 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Angola to Mozambique and everywhere in between--6000 miles of horrific history, hellish events and broken lives--the pathetic remnants of man in a fog of smoke and ash.Mendes travels here--here where time stands still and the survivors who still remain cannot escape but must stand still with it--trapped in a land of misery, heartbreak, crushing sorrow, insanity and the unspeakable.In the coarse of his journey Mendes sees it all--and experiences it the only possible way a human being can--on an emotional guttural level, in the fibre of his being, in his heart--the only way possible--because ones rational mind is incapable of making sense of such things and would go mad trying.As he stumbles across Africa he happens upon an endless succession of pitiful, broken people who offer him their views on life and events--views that when you read them will help you to understand the horror and heartbreak of war and how the human psyche adapts itself for survival in such conditions--how it plunges into imaginative fantasy, the bizzare and irrational.Mendes' account is disjointed, erratic, at times non-sensical and frequently the reader will find himself lost, disoriented, filled with anxiety. And you will feel the fear, the hopelessness, the utter dread, panic and hysterics of one caught up in a brutal war.Everyone, from school children to the leaders of nations who advocate and make war, should be required to read one chapter near the end of this book that begins with a poem about "red strawberries". Once read, you will forever be one of Gods' soldiers for peace.Disjointed, erratic, non-sensical--this is exactly the way a book of such a blood drenched, war torn land should be written--perhaps the only way it could be written. Never before has a writer taken me so close to feeling, tasting, the actual reality of war.Mendes' writing is war--read it, experience it--then use the rest of your life to forcefully speak of peace and to denounce those who speak of war.A heartfelt "Thanks' and "Job well done" to Pedro Mendes--a man who now understands.DH Koester--"And There I Was" And There I Was, Volume V: A Backpacking Adventure In Turkey, Georgia, Armenia

When trying to picture yourself Angola after having read this book, you probably would come up with just an empty land. But pretty much as the editorial review promises, that empty space is filled with stories. Stories from ordinary people who have extraordinary things to say. Stories about corruption, lost loves, lost limbs, lost homes and stolen cattle. The stories are being alternated with some of the harsh travel moments from the writer. Nothing seems to have a beginning, an end nor a goal, it all seems to come down to lost hope. The poetic and sometimes even surreal approach doesn't make this one a sad or a desperate read though. But it doesn't make the book a page turner either.(reader of the Dutch translation)

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Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey through War-torn Angola, by Pedro Rosa Mendes PDF

Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey through War-torn Angola, by Pedro Rosa Mendes PDF

Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey through War-torn Angola, by Pedro Rosa Mendes PDF
Bay of Tigers: An Odyssey through War-torn Angola, by Pedro Rosa Mendes PDF

Friday, August 23, 2013

Get Free Ebook Housecalls 101: The Only Book You Will Ever Need To Start Your Housecall Practice

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Housecalls 101: The Only Book You Will Ever Need To Start Your Housecall Practice

Housecalls 101: The Only Book You Will Ever Need To Start Your Housecall Practice

Housecalls 101: The Only Book You Will Ever Need To Start Your Housecall Practice

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Housecalls 101: The Only Book You Will Ever Need To Start Your Housecall Practice


FIVE-STARRED REVIEW Reviewed by Java Davis for Readers' Favorite When I first decided to read/review this book, House Calls 101: The Only Book You'll Ever Need to Start Your Housecall Practice by Dr. Scharmaine Lawson-Baker NP, I thought that I would be reading about medical professionals who decide to go "off-grid" and deliver medical care outside the bounds of insurance companies and Medicare. I was surprised to find this to be a book directed at Nurse Practitioners who want to develop house call businesses within "the system." In House Calls 101, Dr. Baker has gathered all the information one could possibly need to decide whether or not to consider such a launch. She explains the process of gathering a support team since it is impossible to achieve this goal alone. One needs to find a person to trade hours with for vacations and emergencies, a physician who will agree to sign off on any paperwork that requires a physician's signature, a cooperative pharmacist, an extraordinary bookkeeper or bookkeeping company, and possibly an office manager depending on how large the business is allowed to grow. Complying with government regulations is paramount for the process of reimbursements. The regulations are quite strict and clearly defined, and the paperwork must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this patient required a home visit. One chapter of this book is devoted to descriptions of the requirements. There is a special discussion of the month of January, when clients must begin paying their insurance deductibles, and what to do when working with a poor population that will have trouble paying. Dr. Baker doesn't just cover paperwork. She also discusses more work-a-day issues, like personal safety and dressing properly for clients. Dr. Baker is a cheerleader for House Calls. Her passion is evident when she talks about the rewards for both caregiver and care receiver. The Nurse Practitioner has the opportunity to really get to know clients on a more individual basis by seeing them in their home environments rather than in an office. This book is short and well-organized, with some chapters only one paragraph in length. The information is current, but I don't know how often regulations are updated, or if the author will keep this guide up to date. If a Nurse Practitioner is deciding whether or not to start up a House Call business, he or she should read this book NOW.

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Product details

Paperback: 136 pages

Publisher: A DrNurse Publishing House (October 1, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0991240774

ISBN-13: 978-0991240777

Product Dimensions:

5 x 0.3 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.6 out of 5 stars

35 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#207,866 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Having been an NP who worked for a private house call practice and helped grow it, I found this book to be layered with surface information but nothing that took you deeper in the processes. Signing up for your own LLC is extensive and the book doesn’t take you through the process or have business forms to assist you. There isn’t any information on how to write a business plan for investors. I am also curious on how you obtain labs since many senior living communities don’t have their own and many aren’t on home health. How do you do that portion other than hiring your own phlebotomist/nurse to perform these and what is the billing method? I didn’t feel like this book showed you how to grow your practice. While I think being an entrepreneur is great, I want to grow the practice to occasional visits by me and broadening the practice to other cities etc. For those who never have done housecalls, then this would be a good overview but it’s not a step by step business guide. This book is not good for MDs at all as a lot does not pertain to them.People saying she’s not a Dr....she is a of nursing practice. The doctorate is the highest degree an NP can obtain so yes she’s a doctor. Please do some education on what NPs are and they ARE qualified and professional enough to write books and give patient care. So please don’t judge if you know nothing about the scope of an NP. Although I’m not a huge fan of the book, the author has a remarkable background and is delivering excellent patient care to those in need.

This book did exactly what it said it would do. It discussed starting a medical house-call practice. Dr. Lawson-Baker, NP states that her book will either excite you to start your house-call practice or scare you into keeping your day job. Well, I must say it scared me into keeping my day job. She recounts how she started her practice and discussed the ins and outs of owning and operating a medical clinic. I will say the book was helpful but I didn't give it 5 stars because I would have liked more information. She spends a great deal of time on medical billing and coding specific to geriatric practice and medicare. Perhaps she has another book that deals more with pediatrics.

Too much money for the information

Needs more details. It gave a good overlook but details would be nice. I am looking for more technical infomation I guess. I would love to pick authors brain on structure, billing, and more.

Dr. Baker is a nurses nurse. Credible, reliable, and loves to empower all health care providers in the establishment of a house call practice. Great read...good review. Straight to the point! Good job you fabulous nurse Dr. Scharmaine Baker! Kudos!

This book is a gem for anyone looking for information on opening a house call practice. The book is small, but has all of the necessary ingredients to start out on the right foundation. Highly Recommended!

Information is good, BUT this little 123 pg. paperback book is way expensive!

Seemed incomplete and overall a waste of paper. Should have been a free blogpost.

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 8 hours and 40 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: HarperAudio Release Date: June 7, 2016

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This main plot is about Kol from the Manu clan and his focus on one woman, Mya. If there are any allusions going on it is with the movie 10,000 B.C. The story is told in first person from the perspective of Kol. Roughly for the first three quarters of the book the story is told in a narration from his perspective of his meeting her and following events that led them to where he starts to tell the story. Oral tradition is how history was passed from generation to generation in the past and this narration is reminiscent of that. The romantic in me absolutely loves this because he is so detailed in his thoughts, feelings, and honesty. He holds nothing back and I love how the author was able to keep the narration so well and from his perspective. Truly well written and not just his narration but she does an excellent job of the world construction for pre-historic times but unfortunately for me I kept envisioning 10,000 B.C.Kol’s deepest desire is for Mya to see him, to want him, to trust him, to be his. Mya is from the Olen clan and there is a bad history between these two clans that almost led to a war five years ago. Kol is unaware of exactly what the catalyst was that led to the tensions between clans but his fascination with Mya is the spark that starts his mind pondering. That spark has opened his awareness to why Mya and her clan are not so open to the idea of the clans aligning and later on explains the poor treatment of his clan.Seems that clan Olen also have a few skeletons in their closet. Unbeknownst to either clan Manu or Olen there is a third clan, the Bosha, in the background who have a nefarious interest in the extinction of the Olen elder, Chev, and his family. Through deception this third clan is almost able to bring their plan to fruition but things do not go as planned thanks to the bravery of Kol.For most of the book, I found the whole character of Mya to be a turn off. I wanted Kol to just move on and seek greener pastures. Had I been his friend I would have definitely been trying to push him to be sensible because the girl has issues. In the last quarter of this book my feelings for her started to thaw because as things came to light I began to understand the “why” to her behaviors.Kol, now there is a guy after my heart even if he is a bit naive. Yes, naive because he is fixated on a girl that is not worthy of him or seemingly interested in him. I found his character to be well rounded and well developed. The imagery that I see when I think back about his narration in the re-telling of his perspective of Mya just makes me love this character.I felt that the ideas were developed, the sub plots were tied together nicely and that the writing style was original, although there are some issues with the modern voice in a pre-historic setting. The story was pretty slow until the end where the climax was quite tumultuous. Also, I am not against “insta-love” if it is believable to me. Kol was inexperienced with females and given how the story was told he was fascinated by Mya but is that due to lack of previous options or experience? It just came across as “puppy love” to me and was hard for me to take seriously. If he had previously had female options and took no interest and then he met Mya and wowwzza then I would have been able to take his fascination seriously.The biggest turn off for me was the first person voice. Everything is from Kol’s perspective and I get nothing from Mya’s. There is no sidekick to add to the discussion and bring some deepening of the characters. So I just have his thoughts and feelings on everything but I felt that they were the thoughts and feelings of a pre-pubescent boy. Any seventeen-year-old boy would have some inner thoughts that were not pure and rational. I would have liked to known Mya’s side of things. Her inner thoughts, how she felt about Kol, her struggles and desires.There was so much good with this story but there were just some issues that I could not get past to fangirl about this book. It is a great debut novel from an obviously talented writer and I am hoping for more in the next book.

I had read the first chapter of this book and knew I needed to read this. It is a much different type of book than I normally read. I was hooked from the beginning and read this book in 1 day. It was a fast paced roller-coaster ride. I loved that the story was told as Kol was telling a story to Mya about when they met and all that had happened.This story takes place a long time ago when mammoths roamed the earth and life was much simpler. Tribes were responsible for collecting, harvesting, hunting, and procreating to protect their line. Kol’s tribe has no girls in it anymore so they are in danger of dying out. Mya, her sister, and some of their tribe come to visit in hopes of creating a union between the two but things go wrong. Mya is standoffish and seems to be cold and indifferent to Kol. Kol isn’t quite sure what to think of her. He can’t stop thinking about her but she is so odd that he can’t heads or tails of what to do. So much is riding on a union that he stresses over their interactions.I loved the twists and turns this book took and the action and adventure. Even though times were simpler then, they were definitely not easy. This book made me think about all the obstacles and complexities that man faced to continue living in such a harsh environment. They had no medical help, no real tools, no real protection from the elements. Yet, they managed to persevere and thrive. It’s amazing what one can accomplish if you are determined.

I'm a sucker for anything based on Pride & Prejudice, add-in gender flipping and I'm hooked. This book has both, plus the writing is crisp and clear with characters you can't wait to get back to and harrowing life or death situations. I started this book, was loving it, then accidentally forgot to shove it in my carry-on bag on the way out of town for a 3 week trip. I was SO MAD at myself that I sulked for half the plane ride. I don't know if I was more happy to finally be home, or to get back to this book after an unintended absence. Highly recommend.

I was thoroughly engaged throughout this book. As a teacher of reluctant teenage readers, I especially appreciate a story set in a time period that my students wouldn't be too familiar with, yet whose characters face issues that are very familiar. Today's physical dangers may be different - we don't have to worry about wild animals around the corner - but the idea of friendly vs hostile clan is relevant, and in today's world provides its own perils. Of course individual issues such as finding our place and falling in love are timeless. Good read!

Really enjoyed this. Particularly liked the young couple at the heart of the story. Believable prehistoric setting. Sometimes, the explaining of what went wrong between clans felt a bit laborious. I think the main villain could've been more full developed as a character.But excellent writing overall and I look forward to more by Julie Eshbaugh.

i can say I've never really read a caveman/ ice age book before and I have to say I really enjoyed it! I loved level-headed Kol and his family, I was entertained and fascinated by the details of their lives and what it took to survive and live in that time. I was frustrated in Mya but somehow still rooting for her and I was thoroughly swept up in the story.

This item was perfect and was exactly what i was expecting. The item came in no time and was very well packaged and in a great shape. I'm very happy and pleased with the item i received and want to thank the seller for a terrific product.

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ebook Download , by Brad S. Gregory

Ebook Download , by Brad S. Gregory

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, by Brad S. Gregory

, by Brad S. Gregory

, by Brad S. Gregory

Ebook Download , by Brad S. Gregory

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, by Brad S. Gregory

Product details

File Size: 2003 KB

Print Length: 592 pages

Publisher: Harvard University Press; Reprint edition (January 15, 2012)

Publication Date: January 15, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#311,701 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Brad Gregory presents a sizzling and extremely scholarly (very challenging vocabulary!) insight into the aftermath of the Protestant Reformation, splintering and diaspora of Christianity and the rise of the "goods life." This work traces the decline of the spiritual life and the rise of the commercial, consumerist life throughout the world as the result of the Reformation. Is he correct? Examine your own life and decide! This book sent me to both thought and prayer!

This is a good book for anyone who wants to have a more advanced knowledge of the effects of the Reformation upon society. To some degree, it follows in the line of Papal teaching on the Reformation (most notably Pope Leo XIII), though I am not sure whether Dr. Gregory realized this or not when writing the book. Gregory does not present the material in an "in-your-face" manner, but rather lets the facts and their consequences speak for themselves.A concern for this book is Gregory's discussion of what I will call "social justice concerns," specifically capitalism and consumption of natural resources. While this is something to watch for, it may be off-putting to those who think social justice issues (so-called) are a hallmark of liberalism, or a product of the "social justice gospel." Regardless, such a reader should be aware of such issues and is challenged to broaden his or her horizons. Gregory just may surprise you in this regard.One final note, it would be helpful for the reader to be familiar with some of Gregory's sources, like MacIntyre's "After Virtue." He builds upon such scholarship to make his own point(s).

9.9/10.Almost perfect except for liberal libarbitrist nonsense scattered throughout, exemplified at kindle locs 7399-7401. This is the most exciting piece of social and intellectual historiography I've ever read regarding this time period. This collection of six many-disciplinary essays is mandatory reading for anyone who is interested in Christianity, the Reformation, secularization, the modern university, the consumerist culture of late capitalism (termed by the author 'the goods life'), the hyperspecialization of knowledge, the deleterious effects of Scotism and univocal metaphysics, and (the secularization of) academia.I almost awarded this book my eighth perfect 'seven out of five stars' nonfiction rating alongside such books as Rushton's REB, Jaynes's 'The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind', The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Salter's 'On Genetic Interests', the CoC of MacDonald, and the ST of Aquinas. These works, like this, share in common one thing: they are necessary for intelligently and insightfully understanding, analyzing, and engaging with the worlds - exterior and interior, trascendent and immanent - which we, as human beings, inhabit.

We just go round and round in interminable and unanswerable arguments due to the breakage caused by the Reformation. The argument is a return to Alasdair McIntyre's After Virtue. The book's theses are nearly all contrary to the accepted and popular idea that we are rocketing ever higher on bursts of progress, a progress that has confidently left the Reformation and all of its arcane theological concerns behind. No, says Gregory, we've barely budged, and the aimless wreckage of philosophy, art, politics and religion are the evidence. McIntyre hoped for a new Benedict to stitch us back up. Gregory is less dramatic there. Maybe, he thinks, we can at least get irreligion and the scientism that confuses scientific method with truth dethroned from its haughty perch among the intellectual class.If you like cultural history and analysis, the smashing of conventional knowledge, and a grim recognition of our wretched predicament, you'll love this book.

Excellent book which explains how the Reformation is at the root of so much of today. Written by a good historian who gives excellent summaries of religion, philosophy, and our modern dilemmas. If I were to teach a course on Catholic apologetics, this book would be on the list.

Whatever insightful reflections of this book are mired in a thick jungle of the author’s self-conscious hubris. There are no declarative sentences, only rambling obfuscations. His thesis, good in itself, is undermined by a scholarly display of dis-connected conclusions. A road, perhaps, but no GPS. Very sad.

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, by Brad S. Gregory PDF

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Free PDF , by Sam Harris

Free PDF , by Sam Harris

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, by Sam Harris

, by Sam Harris

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, by Sam Harris

Product details

File Size: 4012 KB

Print Length: 97 pages

Publisher: Free Press (March 6, 2012)

Publication Date: March 6, 2012

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#43,736 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I agree with the premise of the book: we are merely collections of atoms subject to the laws of physics. Therefore, the laws of physics are what are ultimately responsible for our thoughts and actions. This has implications for the criminal justice system and how we ought to structure society in general.The problem with the book is that the author seems to think determinism is true. A quote from the book reads, "Today, the only philosophically respectable way to endorse free will is to be a compatibilist—because we know that determinism, in every sense relevant to human behavior, is true." However, quantum physics says that the outcomes of physical processes cannot be predicted with certainty because they are not determined with certainty. Despite this, the author goes on and on about determinism although it is inconsistent with quantum physics.To sum up, we are not ultimately responsible for our thoughts or actions -- physics is. But the author should have studied at least a little quantum physics before writing what ought to be a physics book.

I was initially skeptical to even start this book, thinking that free will is one of those philosophical questions “destined” to never be resolved. However, after reading this short book I am convinced that free will in a sense in which I thought I had it is just not there. And this was quite an eye opener.One popular review here mentions that the book is interesting in the beginning but then not so much - personally I found every page informative and very well written.Highly recommended.

This is not really a book--it takes about 20 minutes to read. Yet, Dr. Harris, who is a very good writer, makes some interesting points. Since functional magnetic resonance imaging shows that a person's decision to move is registered in the brain several hundred milliseconds before we may be consciously aware of it and our thoughts appear to us without our conscious control, these facts suggest to him that we have no free will.Then what is meditation about? The point of meditation is to watch our thoughts arise and not do anything with them (don't believe, don't disbelieve them, don't be carried away from observing them). It is obvious that this implies there is choice. If one is able to disassociate to some degree from our thinking, therefore not "biting" into our seemingly randomly generated thoughts, we are certainly free to ignore them or, even more interesting, we can discover that the world can be seen without the structure of presupposition.It may be true that if someone has no insight into the workings of their mind, he is pushed, pulled and apparently controlled by conditioned, yet random thinking, peculiar to his/her own unique situation in time and space. But that's like saying meat can only be eaten raw, which was true until we learned to control fire. We do have ways of freeing ourselves from "acting upon" our thinking and this ability will, in fact, generate other thought processes that go beyond our present understanding of mind, either as a "free agent" or as Dr.Harris suggests, a programmed machine.

I'm a huge Sam Harris fan - his "Waking Up" podcast is consistently in my weekly listens and the episode with Eric Weinstein remains one of my favorite pieces of audio. However, this book is a huge letdown. It is either poorly written, intentionally hyperbolic or both. It's like a lazy blog post written after a night of drinking.Sam has a deep background in science and neuroscience, so it was startling and disappointing to see him write a manifesto that begins with a thesis and then back-fills it with nothing but personal anecdotes and off-hand observations to support it. He seems to think of free will as something that can only exist in a vacuum - completely devoid of context, internal or external forces, influences or stimuli. He simultaneously embraces the tenants of determinism while dismissing it. He constantly asks the reader/listener "why did you make a decision in your life?" and then removes all agency from our choices by ignoring anything in our collective experience which could inform that choice.A great example of this comes when Sam reminisces about his past involvement in martial arts and his decision to quit. He deliberately asks "why did I do this?" Instead of reasoning through his mindset at the time, the increased value of other interests, the condition of his environment, his own emotional state, etc, he lazily concludes he doesn't know.The whole book is intellectually lazy and sets this discussion of free will back years. If you're a real Sam fan, do yourself a favor and skip this.

‘Free will’ requires there to be a central chooser, a ‘self’, and there isn’t one! A terrifying notion to many, because of long cultural belief that we exist as independent entities that can garner praise and blame, without which seemingly looms an abyss of anarchy, chaos, nonexistence. But the fact is that we always ARE here and now, no matter what we believe; and right/wrong and good/bad remain as qualities of behavior, the particulars varying from culture to culture. Nothing to fear besides a change of perspective, self-image, loss of false beliefs.Inseparable from the universe, conditioned from the “big bang” to conception to physical death, free will for us is but an illusory concept. Then what is it that makes choices? The entire universe! In fact ‘you’ and ‘I’ exist only as ever-changing thoughts and feelings, moving processes in space-time, present participles rather than nouns: doing, thinking, etc., each in a unique way. Our freedom consists in deserving of neither praise nor blame, since what we do is (unpredictably, to a lesser or greater extent) inevitable. We are all constant change as mortal object of consciousness, stillness as mysterious subject.

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Get Free Ebook Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice

Get Free Ebook Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice

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Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice

Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice

Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice

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Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice

Product details

Hardcover: 1594 pages

Publisher: LWW; Eleventh, North American edition (November 2, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1496379942

ISBN-13: 978-1496379948

Product Dimensions:

8.8 x 2.2 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

67 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#44,533 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I have and use 3 nursing care plan books and they are all great for different reasons. I really like this one because it's so comprehensive and so descriptive in the pathophysiology of each disease. this is great if you really want to understand what the diagnoses is all about and how and why you do what you do as a nurse. a con of this book is that it is super heavy and you just have to keep this book at home. However, this is the BEST nursing care plan book to get if you are just starting to write care plans. it really teaches you how to think about your diseases.if you are interested, the other nursing care plan books that i use are:-Nursing Care Plans: Diagnoses, Interventions, and Outcomes, 8e by Meg Gulanick PhD APRN FAAN: helpful in that it's easier to bring around your backpack and gives great ideas- not as comprehensive as lippincott but just as helpful-Nurse's Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions and Rationales: this is the most bang for your buck. it's very small and super easy to carry around- I would bring this book with me to clinicals to reference quickly what i should do for my patient.

Excellent book. The book is excellent for nursing school ad helped greatly with my revision in for my registration examination. It goes through a detailed anatomy and physiology for each system. Pathophysiology of diseases under the systems is very concise

Helped a lot for my nursing board exam

This saved my patho life through nursing school. I continue to recommend this to everyone who asks me how to prepare and find information. I can only imagine continuing to use this through my career as I venture into looking for a job. Great resource. Definitely should be a staple of every nursing student. Get it used to save some money.

I would have really loved this book but I never rec'd it in the mail. It was not the senders fault it was actually the mailman's. He accidentally delivered it to another address and when he went to retrieve it, they said they did not have it. Oh well...someone needed it worse than I did. I never reordered it...but thank you anyway.

As far as books go this one is a book

Great book. I was a nurse and used a much earlier edition, this one is for my granddaughter. Good price and speedy delivery.

At some point in my first semester of nursing school, someone told me that our professors get questions out of this book, and I JUMPED to my computer to buy it on amazon. I have no idea if that was true, in fact I suspect it is false, but it does not matter. I have used this book along every single step of my nursing school career.This book is useful as a reference for writing care plans, as a study guide to make sure you know the latest evidence based practice, and just for clarifying things that the nursing textbook leaves muddy and unclear. This book presents the pathophysiology, treatments, and nursing actions and rationales in an uncluttered and straightforward manner. Information is very easy to find and in a logical order every time.I would say that the only time I didn't really crack this book was in my psychiatric/community health class. But every other time I found it to be thorough and I preferred reading this to my textbook for exam review. I am glad I spent the money on it and will probably use it for years to come.

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Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice PDF

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

PDF Ebook

PDF Ebook

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Product details

File Size: 1224 KB

Print Length: 320 pages

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press; Revised ed. edition (February 26, 2019)

Publication Date: February 26, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B07FXT4318



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#66,127 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)





Sunday, August 4, 2013

Free Download Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura

Free Download Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura

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Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura

Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura

Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura

Free Download Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura

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Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura

About the Author

One of Japan's most popular author of manga for women, Akiko Higashimura is the author of more than a dozen series including hits Kakukaku Shikajika and Mama Wa Temparist. After its adaptation into a popular anime and live-action film, Princess Jellyfish is her first work to be released in English, making her one of the Japanese manga world's best-kept secrets.

Read more

Product details

Series: Princess Jellyfish (Book 9)

Paperback: 240 pages

Publisher: Kodansha Comics (June 5, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1632365642

ISBN-13: 978-1632365644

Product Dimensions:

5.7 x 0.8 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.3 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

7 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#302,679 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I meant to select the first chapter but Princess Jellyfish #9 was also a good place to start since I've watched the anime and it is at a meaty part of the story. I like the mix of humor and poignancy. I will be checking out more of this series.

The last book of the series. It's bittersweet like saying goodbye to some friends you've enjoyed having around. This is my one of my favorite manga series next to Honey and Clover, and Orange.

I think this is a cute story that every closet otaku will realate too.

Love this series! Worth every penny!

So, I love this manga there's nothing wrong with that. BUT it's freshly printed and someone put a sticker around the edge of the book and removing it, it ripped away the drawing on the page and ripped the front of the book. So pretty sad and upset about this

Good book and good condition.


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Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura PDF

Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura PDF

Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura PDF
Princess Jellyfish 9, by Akiko Higashimura PDF