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New Haven Chef's Table: Restaurants, Recipes, And Local Food Connections
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“The celebration of New Haven restaurants you find in these pages will make you as hungry as they have made me.”—from the Foreword by Faith Middleton, The Food Schmooze, WNPR (90.5 FM),
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From the Inside Flap
New Haven is arguably the restaurant capital of Connecticut, with food lovers regularly making the trek to taste the latest and greatest the city has to offer. From the legendary pizzerias of Wooster Street to the hip Ibiza, New Haven’s restaurants, some of which are nationally renowned, reflect the best of the city—international yet down to earth, sophisticated yet unpretentious. New Haven Chef’s Table is the first cookbook to gather the depth and breadth of New Haven’s food offerings in one place, with the net proceeds to benefit The Connecticut Mental Health Center Foundation ( Profiling more than thirty-five of the city’s top chefs, who offer their favorite recipes reworked for the home cook, the book is also a celebration of the growing sustainable food movement, with a focus on food connections with local growers, farmers, and organizations. The recipes range from Plum Frost (116 Crown), Guinness Stew (The Playwright), and Chorizo with Sweet and Sour Figs (Barcelona) to Cranberry Curry Scone (Café Romeo), Doro Wat (Ethiopian Chicken in Red Pepper Paste; Lalibela), and Capesante Grigliate (Grilled Scallops; L’Orcio). The contributors include: Barcelona, Basta Trattoria, Bespoke, Carmen Anthony Steakhouse, Caseus, Claire’s Corner Copia, Consiglio’s, Ibiza, Pepe’s Pizza, Scoozzi, Soul de Cuba, Temple Grill, Thali, Union League Cafe, Zinc, and more. The book also features profiles of the Yale Sustainable Food Project, CitySeed Farmers’ Markets, and Common Ground High School.
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Product details
Series: Chef's Table
Hardcover: 160 pages
Publisher: Lyons Press; First edition (September 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0762758791
ISBN-13: 978-0762758791
Product Dimensions:
7.8 x 0.8 x 9.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.6 out of 5 stars
4 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#2,159,642 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Great product ... excellent purchase process and post-purchase follow-up from the seller.
Gorgeous book and makes a great gift with local flavor. Lovely pictures and a variety of recipes. Shoutout to Cafe Romeo - definitely visit if you are in the area!
The book talks about New Haven clam Pizza at Pepe and Sals and the mashed potato pizza at Bar. The only reason I ordered this is I wanted the recipes. No such luck
Not your average cookbook with a type or style of food, but a celebration of the eclectic food choices of a diverse community. If you're a fan of all types and styles of dishes, this book is for you!
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