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, by Christian Lander

PDF Download , by Christian Lander
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Product details
File Size: 6839 KB
Print Length: 211 pages
Publisher: Random House (August 4, 2008)
Publication Date: August 4, 2008
Sold by: Random House LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#457,666 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This book should be titled Stuff White Elitist Like because I know plenty of white people from small town America and from the suburbs who do not fit into these categories. This is really a look at those west and east coast Caucasians who live very hipster lives. White elitists in this book go to good liberal schools, cannot pass a Starbucks, and have incredibly gifted children (or at least think so), love skiing and snowboarding and kayaking, talk about their study abroad and their year off to explore Europe backpacking. Oh, and they adore microbreweries and long for their house by the water and their fond memories of grad school and how wonderful New York City and Portland are. They wear New Balance shoes, expensive yoga pants and vintage t-shirts too. They cannot get enough of indie music and obscure foreign films and documentaries. They don’t own a TV but they do so love to binge on Netflix important shows like Madmen, Six Feet Under and Arrested Development. That is white elitist culture in a nutshell. Are there some truths, yeah for the hipster millennials you can find some of these pretensions, although there is nothing wrong with 80’s music (which the author claims, the white culture loves and brunch too). There is humor in these observations but also a heck of a lot of stereotyping too. The people he stereotypes though are city dwellers who live in uber chic lofts and are liberal thinkers and voters. Still this is just a small snapshot of a very distinct subculture (one the author makes fun of with some funny writing) but still not in any way like the vast majority of Caucasians in this country.
I haven't made up my mind if I think this book is racist or not. If a white person was writing such a book about a person of color would it be received as simply amusing or offensive? That being said, there are some pretty funny things in the book.
I loved this book. It is a very tongue-in-cheek and insightful study of young college graduates in the USA.My only quibble: The term "White People" is misleading, because this book is about only a sector of whites (college-educated liberals under the age of about 35), not all of them. But the book does a terrific job at describing that sector.
I have an Italian first name, a Japanese last name, a blue eyed blond Danish mother and a dark as espresso beans Haitian father; who would think this eclectic mix would have me wind up with such an affinity for stuff white people like?This book was a hilarious look in the mirror... well, a look in my coffee cup - fair trade, organic latte. A look in my kitchen cupboards - yup, *seven* kinds of salt in there. Since I am bi-racial, I guess it is fitting though that only fifty percent of the "stuff" applied to me.Being a born and bred New Yorker I think there is a certain amount of familiarity with city life required to get the tongue-in-cheekyness humor of this book. Living in Southern Utah now, I can't imagine some of my new friends and neighbors appreciating this particular brand seemingly ironic humor.Recommended for those with a huge funny bone. Or white hipsters.
Fun and wise. I hope to see books soon like this on Asians and Blacks.
This book was incredibly helpful. Before reading it, I was never really sure if I was doing my duty as a white American by acting like it. Thanks to this book, I now have a helpful checklist to avoid becoming, as Christian Lander puts it, "the wrong type of white person."If you want to learn more about white people, or if you're curious if you qualify as a white person, pick this one up.
Saw this book at a store, didn't buy it and came home to order it! I read other negative reviews that seemed to be from those that can't laugh at themselves. Ignore those, and enjoy the truth that exists in all aspects of society. It is really OK to be white, black, or any other color you might want to claim. There is much tongue in cheek humor. Sit back, enjoy it and take pride in which ever ethnic group you come from! Life it too short to be upset at whatever ethnic group God chose for you. Take pride in your humanness and forget the color of your skin or where you came from (and had not a bit of control!)
This book is down right funny. It does get a bit repetitive and predictable at times, but, that doesn't stop it from being one of the funniest and most accurate books. The book is more geared specifically towards a type of white person, but everybody that's white can find an entry or two about themselves or a friend/family member and have a good laugh. When you read the poor reviews, it's pretty obvious why they don't find it funny - the book is talking about exactly those type of people. You'll see what I mean when you read the book and then read the negative reviews.This is not a sit and read at once type of book - it's much better and much more comical if you read an entry or two per day
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